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Flowers from my oldest son!

I inventory my life to see what endings are preventing my new beginnings. I willingly, faithfully, and “gladly die to everything that is unlike good.”  ~ Abundant Blessings, Our Abundant Life

Today being the last day of January, I am a bit saddened to not be receiving more messages pertaining to new beginnings from the many devotions I read.  Always at the beginning of a new year, we seem to be prompted to look at life from a different perspective; whether it is a new diet, new exercise routine, new attitude about life, or a new approach to the familiar.  The purpose to this message of new beginnings is to extend one’s life; to live it fuller and with purpose and gladness.

One example I read about in my Science of Life Magazine was a message from Dr. James Rouse who said, “Begin this moment to think impeccably.”  What a huge challenge.  This is because normal society drills into us that we are not perfect, without fault, without a flaw or without a blemish.

Deepak Chopra reminds us that, “The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.”  Constantly being told we are not good enough, we could begin to believe it.  Instead, Rouse reminds us to begin a new way of thinking about our bodies/lifestyle/health.

We each have the ability to create the life we want.  We each have certain gifts.  My gift is unique to me, while your gift is unique to you.  Neither is better than the other and therefore one does not make either of us better than the other.   My life is disorderly, with fault, with flaws and yet it is PERFECT.  I know this because as Father Francis Mulcahy said in one of my favorite M*A*S*H* episodes, “God didn’t create us to pat us on the back.  He created us so He could live life through us.”

Rouse concludes, “Create an exceptional livelihood for yourself and show it off to the world around you.”  In other words, be the person we are called to be.  “Eat with intention, with the mission to nourish your mind and body so you can transcend the cultural trance of physiological mediocrity.”  Meaning don’t listen to society tell us we are not perfect.

This is our time.  We are the one.  “Get up, stand up, and put on your radiant wellness!